Friday, June 21, 2019

Internal Controls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Internal Controls - Essay ExampleSignificantly, the company has been marred will unacceptable construe environment. The management has failed to enhance effective communication leading to the adverse change in attitude among employees. In addition, the company has failed to identify inadequacies that pose a significant risk of expiration and inaccuracies in the financial management department.According to the audit conducted in the year 2013 (Farewell, Byron 117), SONY Company has not been conducting first-string assessment of its sexual control system and hence the management may fail to detect a fault in good time. Furthermore, failure to conduct a regular assessment will make some of the control system obsolete leading to huge losses.An effective control system should focus on attention and effective communication that is geared toward changing employees attitude towards the control system. (Susan 543) declares that the control system should be regularly examined and updated to reduce the risks emanating from obsolete technology. In this case, the control system should be several strands ahead of the technology used by fraudsters and dishonest employees. Risk reviewing and monitoring should be highly regarded. In this case, the management should endlessly monitor the internal control system in order to identify areas that require advancement. This reduces the chances of incurring a material risk that would cause financial loss if it takes

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